Rooming List - Group Bookings

This is the fourth of eight tasks described in this user manual for changing booking details.

NOTE: The numbering is simply for reference - there is no particular order in which tasks need to be completed and, depending on the booking, they might not all be needed.

The full list is:

  1. General Setup - Group Bookings
  2. Pax Configurations - Group Bookings
  3. Pax Totals Group Bookings
  4. Rooming List - Group Bookings (this task)
  5. Markup / Commission - Group Bookings
  6. Booking Notes
  7. Agent Notes
  8. Recalculate Booking

The Rooming List screen allows Passenger Names to be entered against the booking, using the "Pax Names" option. Names can also be imported from a spreadsheet in a specific csv (comma separated values) format (see Lists tab - Importing pax names and details).

Names are assigned to Rooms and then to Lists and different lists can be created (e.g. for different itineraries or services) using List Configuration.

Pax tab - Entering pax names and details manually

There can be multiple Lists per booking for different booking combinations if required; e.g. per booking Itinerary, per Service Type etc. The following procedure describe how to enter pax names and details manually.

NOTE: It is also possible to import pax information from a csv file, which is described in Lists tab - Importing pax names and details.

Pax - Insert pax names and details

  1. Search for and retrieve a booking to work with. If you haven't done this already, see Retrieve an Existing Group Booking.
  2. NOTE: There are three tabs available from the Rooming List screen: PAX, LISTS and SERVICES. The default view is the PAX tab and the list will be empty on first view of the rooming list for a booking.

  3. NOTE: This step is optional. Once a Surname is entered, the Insert button for the Contacts section becomes available:

  4. On the Pax Details screen:
  5. Repeat steps 4 - 7 for additional pax in this rooming list.

About the Pax tab fields

Pax Name

Title (10 Chr), Forename (60 Chr), Surname (60 Chr)

The Save button becomes live once a Surname is entered.

NOTE: For individual pax names to be listed on various Tourplan generated documents such as vouchers, the names of each passenger must be entered here.

Pax Type (drop-down)

Choose the appropriate selection from the drop-down list.

Date of Birth, Age

Enter either Date of Birth (in day/month/year format) or Age.


  • Product Database Age Policies are not validated in Groups. Any Date of Birth/Age is information only and can be output on documentation/messages etc.
  • Ages can be entered as either Date of Birth or Age. When an Age is entered, the date of birth is calculated as the booking travel date less the age in years.
  • If adult Dates of Birth are being entered, check that the DOB is not a date prior to the Years from/to as defined in Windows Settings. By default, Windows interprets 2 digit years as being between 1930 and 2029. If a DOB is entered which is prior to 1930, it is calculated as 100 years later; e.g. 1927 is calculated as 2027.

Client Email

Passenger email address.

Special Requirements

These four fields of 60 characters each are available to enter notes that are specific to the passenger.

Passport Details

The information stored in fields in the Passport Details section is self-explanatory.


Contact details can be added for each passenger using the green Insert button as described in step 4 of Lists - Import a rooming list.

Contact Type

This is a drop-down list populated from data entered via menu Home > Code Setup > Messaging > Contact Type. Select the relevant type of contact.

Apart from Contact Type, the information stored in fields in the Contacts section is self-explanatory.

Lists tab - Importing pax names and details

Names can be imported from a csv (comma separated values) text file. For an example csv file, see About the Rooming List fields.

Lists - Import a rooming list

  1. Search for and retrieve a booking to work with. If you haven't done this already, see Retrieve an Existing Group Booking.
  2. NOTE: There are three tabs available from the Rooming List screen: PAX, LISTS and SERVICES. The default view is the PAX tab and the list will be empty on first view of the rooming list for a booking.

  3. Using the Windows Open dialogue box, browse to the location of the csv file, select it and click Open.

    The example shows a list name called Import 1 ready to be imported.

    If the csv file is not in the correct format or does not contain the correct data format, the file will not import and an error message appears (see About the Rooming List fields for information on the correct format for the csv file).
  4. Click Yes to import the file, or No to cancel the import.
  5. NOTE: When a subsequent new list is being inserted, an existing list can be copied by selecting it and clicking the Copy List button (in the screenshot above, the list selected is called Import 1).

About the Rooming List fields

Rooming list names can be imported from a CSV file. There is some flexibility with the format of the file but the first row must contain the column names. Valid column names are:

'Title' or 'Honorific'



'Pax Type'

'Room Key'

'Room Type'

'DOB', 'Birth Date' or 'Date of Birth'


'Notes' or 'Notes1'





'Passport Number'

'Passport Name'

'Passport Nationality' or 'Nationality'

'Passport Issued', 'Issued', 'Issued On' or 'Passport Issued On'

'Passport Place' or 'Passport Issued At'

'Passport Expiry', 'Expiry', 'Expires' or 'Passport Expires On'

NOTE: Current mandatory fields are Title, Forename, Surname and Pax Type. Some valid examples are:

Example 1

Room Key,Room Type,Title,Forename,Surname,Pax Type,Birth date,Passport Number,Notes,Notes2,Notes3,Notes4

1,SG,,,Fiona Eaves,,01/01/1980,,test,test2,test3,

2,SG,,,Janet King,,01/01/1980,,,,,

3,SG,,,Vickie Abel,,01/01/1980,,Vegetarian Meals,,,

4,SG,,,Sheila Lunn,,01/01/1980,,,,,

5,SG,,,Judith Nelson,,01/01/1980,,,,,

6,DB,,,Chris Little,,01/01/1980,,,,,

6,DB,,,Audrey Gregory,,01/01/1980,,,,,

7,TW,,,Susan Perkins,,01/01/1980,,Vegetarian meals,,,

7,TW,,,Marian Cooke,,01/01/1980,,,,,

Example 2

Room Type,Title,Forename,Surname,Pax Type,Birth date,Passport Number,Notes,Notes2,Notes3,Notes4

SG,,,Fiona Eaves,,01/01/1980,,test,test2,test3,

SG,,,Janet King,,01/01/1980,,,,,

SG,,,Vickie Abel,,01/01/1980,,Vegetarian Meals,,,

SG,,,Sheila Lunn,,01/01/1980,,,,,

SG,,,Judith Nelson,,01/01/1980,,,,,

DB,,,Chris Little,,01/01/1980,,,,,

DB,,,Audrey Gregory,,01/01/1980,,,,,

TW,,,Susan Perkins,,01/01/1980,,Vegetarian meals,,,

TW,,,Marian Cooke,,01/01/1980,,,,,

Sample CSV File

Room Key,Room Type,Title,Forename,Surname,Pax Type,Notes,Notes2,Notes3,Notes4




4,SG,Mr,TBA,Escort,A,Tour Escort,,,


























Room keys can be added or edited after names have been imported.

Do not use text qualifiers such as double quotes (e.g. "text"). If text qualifiers are used and the Room Key field left blank, the leading " qualifier will be interpreted as the Room Key and all imported names will automatically be in the same room.

Services tab - Attaching list configurations to services

This tab enables list configurations to be attached to services in the booking; i.e. assign a list of names to a service or multiple services.

In the example below, the objective is to tie the Import 1 list to most services that are in the Main Tour itinerary, and the Pre Accomm list to the services that are unique to the Pre Tour Accommodation itinerary.

Services - Attach list configurations to services

  1. Search for and retrieve a booking to work with. If you haven't done this already, see Retrieve an Existing Group Booking.
  2. Make sure at least two list configurations are available (see Lists - Import a rooming list).
  3. The first list configuration created is selected by default (in this case Import 1), showing the services available to be attached.

    NOTE: Services that are not tagged are available in all lists. Conversely, services that are tagged (i.e. have already been attached to a list) do not display for subsequent lists.

    For example, the Pre Accomm list has only one tagged service, which does not appear in the Import 1 list. The other services available are not tagged and therefore are available in both this list and the Import 1 list.

  4. NOTE: Both Save and Discard are dimmed-out until you make changes.

About the Services tab fields

Tag (Checkbox)

Tag (click) to select service to include the service(s) in the configuration list.

Select All/Unselect All

Use to select all services listed, or unselect services in bulk.


The day number and sequence number of the service within the boooking.


The Itinerary Name that the service belongs to.


The full product code of the service.


The service description


The physical count of Adult pax on the service - including Escorts/Drivers/Guides.


The breakdown of Pax Numbers by Room Type.

NOTE: Accommodation services display the number of Rooms by type. Non Accommodation per person priced services will show the number of Pax (Second Charge Units - SCU) in the TW column and will be net of any FOC quantities. Non Accommodation group priced services will show the number of SCU ("Tour", "Visit" etc) in the TW column.

Rooming list data can be output on messages and documentation. Details on the formatting and output of these message types are in the System Setup User Manual (Messaging section).