Recalculate Booking

This is the last of eight tasks described in this user manual for changing booking or quote details.

NOTE: The numbering is simply for reference - there is no particular order in which tasks need to be completed and, depending on the Booking, they might not all be needed.

The full list is:

  1. General Setup - Group Bookings
  2. Pax Configurations - Group Bookings
  3. Pax Totals Group Bookings
  4. Rooming List - Group Bookings
  5. Markup / Commission - Group Bookings
  6. Booking Notes
  7. Agent Notes
  8. Recalculate Booking (this task)

Some Booking changes force a recalculation, but a Booking can be recalculated at any time by choosing the Recalculate menu option.

Recalculate the booking

  1. If you haven't already done so, search for and retrieve a Booking to work with (see Retrieve an Existing Group Booking).

About the Recalculate Booking Fields

Recalculate Markup and Commission Percentages

  • Replace Markup % - When checked, any manual markup that may have been applied to services will be replaced by the markup percentages set in the Itinerary Header.
  • Replace Commission % - When checked, any manual commission that may have been applied to services will be replaced by the commission percentages set in the Itinerary Header.

Recalculate Service Line Prices

  • Replace All – Revisits the product database and re-costs all services based on rates from the product database.
  • Replace All But Overrides – As above, however does not re-cost services where the product database rates have been manually overridden. Manually overridden values will display in a separate dialogue and need to be confirmed with the ‘OK’ button.
  • No Prices – Recalculates the totals based on the existing service line values.
  • Update Exchange Rates – This check-box can be used to update the Booking values with any changes in exchange rates between service and Booking currencies.

Recalculate Itineraries

This list allows a specific itinerary to be recalculated or all itineraries to be recalculated.