Change Travel Date

This is the sixth of eight tasks described in this user manual for modifying a booking itinerary.

NOTE: There is no particular order in which tasks need to be completed - the numbering is simply for reference.

The full list is:

  1. Pickup / Dropoff
  2. Voucher Text
  3. Service Notes
  4. Product Notes
  5. PCM Management FITs
  6. Change Travel Date (this task)
  7. Manage Days
  8. Insert Booking

This screen allows changes to be made to travel dates, this will amend the date at the header of the booking and selection to amend the services within the booking can occur.

Change Travel Dates

  1. Search for and retrieve a booking to work with. If you haven't done this already, see Retrieve an Existing Quote/Booking.
  2. If the Recalculate Booking screen appears, select the relevant option (i.e. Replace All, Replace All But Overrides or No Prices) and click Yes.

    If Recalculate Booking does pop-up, then Tourplan has determined that a recalculation is required. It's not possible to change travel dates without a recalculation unless current service dates are retained.

About Retain Current Service Dates


Leaving the 'Retain Current Service Dates' unchecked indicates to the system that the dates of all services in the booking will be changed to reflect the new Travel Date; i.e., the services at Day 1 will inherit the new travel date; the services at day 2 will become new travel date + 1 day and so on.

When Save is clicked, Tourplan will prompt to re-cost the Booking. The choices are:

  • Replace All – Changes the Booking Header date and all service dates and re-costs all services for the revised travel dates.

  • All Except Overrides – As above however does not re-cost services where the original database rates were manually overridden. Manually overridden values need to be confirmed with the ‘OK’ button.

  • No Prices – Recalculates the totals based on the existing service line values.

  • Update Exchange Rates – When the Booking services are re-costed should Tourplan continue to use the previous Exchange Rates (unchecked) or use the Exchange Rates from the Tourplan Code Setup module Currency Rates table for the new travel date (checked).

Any accounting transactions which do exist will retain their existing posting periods – they will not be updated to reflect the new travel date period, should the travel date be changed into a different accounting period.


If the Travel Date needs to be changed but all existing Services already booked are to remain the same, then setting the “Retain Current Service Dates” check-box will ensure that happens. For example, this may be needed where the client is now arriving three days earlier than planned but still wanting to make use of itinerary as is, and having some additional services in those first three days.

In this case, no recalculation of the booking is required.


If the booking has transactions recorded, a warning message will display alerting consultants of possible transaction adjustment requirements.