Manage Days

This is the seventh of eight tasks described in this user manual for modifying a booking itinerary.

NOTE: There is no particular order in which tasks need to be completed - the numbering is simply for reference.

The full list is:

  1. Pickup / Dropoff
  2. Voucher Text
  3. Service Notes
  4. Product Notes
  5. PCM Management FITs
  6. Change Travel Date
  7. Manage Days (this task)
  8. Insert Booking

This screen enables days to be ‘inserted’ into a booking (or remove from a booking), thereby extending or contracting the duration of the booking.

For example, the agent/client may have advised that, due to a change in airline schedules, the departure date is 1 day later than originally planned. The booking is revised to include one additional night in the current accommodation.

Manage Days

  1. Search for and retrieve a booking to work with. If you haven't done this already, see Retrieve an Existing Quote/Booking.
  2. If the Recalculate Booking screen appears, select the relevant option (i.e. Replace All, Replace All But Overrides or No Prices) and click Yes.

    If Recalculate Booking does pop-up, then Tourplan has determined that a recalculation is required. Generally, it's not possible to insert or delete days without a recalculation.

About the Insert/Delete or Resequence Days Fields


Select an option from either:

  • Insert Days
  • Delete Days
  • Resequence Days

If Delete Days is chosen, the labels for the fields beneath it change to Days to Delete and From Day/Seq.

If Resequence Days is selected, then labels for the fields beneath it change to Days to Resequence, Starting Sequence, and Increment By.


Insert/Delete Days

Days to Insert/Delete

This field has a default value of 1 (one) when the screen is opened. Replace with the number of days to be inserted/deleted.

Before/From Day/Seq

Enter which day in the sequence to add before or delete from.

The Recalculate dialogue will display every time a service date/day number changes. This is because Tourplan needs to check whether the new date/day places the service in a different season/date range.

NOTE: The ‘Insert Days’ Utility will not adjust the number of nights for accommodation or rental vehicle services – these must be manually adjusted in the Costs screen.

Add Into/Drop From Itinerary

If multiple itineraries are used within a booking, a selection to add/drop days can be applied to one or all Itineraries. Use the dropdown itinerary selection list to apply a change to one or all itineraries.


Resequence Days

Day to Resequence

Drop down selection from booking day number and date. Select a day that you want the system to re-sequence services.

Starting Sequence

For the day selected enter a sequence number for the system to start the sequence from, the system will automatically default to 10.

Increment By

Enter a value for the system to increment the sequence for each service by, the system automatically defaults to 10. Setting a value here will give the service a new sequence number based on the order of services for this day.

Recalculate Booking

When making an amendment to booking dates and Save is clicked, Tourplan will prompt to re-cost the Booking. The choices are:

  • Replace All – Changes the Booking Header date and all service dates and re-costs all services for the revised travel dates.

  • All Except Overrides – As above however does not re-cost services where the original database rates were manually overridden. Manually overridden values need to be confirmed with the ‘OK’ button.

  • No Prices – Recalculates the totals based on the existing service line values.

  • Update Exchange Rates – When the Booking services are re-costed should Tourplan continue to use the previous Exchange Rates (unchecked) or use the Exchange Rates from the Tourplan Code Setup module Currency Rates table for the new travel date (checked).