Insert Booking

This is the last of eight tasks described in this user manual for modifying a booking itinerary.

NOTE: There is no particular order in which tasks need to be completed - the numbering is simply for reference.

The full list is:

  1. Pickup / Dropoff
  2. Voucher Text
  3. Service Notes
  4. Product Notes
  5. PCM Management FITs
  6. Change Travel Date
  7. Manage Days
  8. Insert Booking (this task)

Insert Booking enables another booking to be inserted inside the current booking. This can be used in a number of ways:

  • It can be used as an alternative method of copying a booking, and
  • It can be used to add all services from another booking into the current booking.

Insert a Booking

  1. Search for and retrieve a booking to work with. If you haven't done this already, see Retrieve an Existing Quote/Booking.
  2. If the Recalculate Booking screen appears, select the relevant option and click Yes.

About Insert Booking Fields

Name - the name of the booking you want to insert, if you don’t know the name of the booking you can use the advance search function by clicking on the magnifying glass.

Reference - the booking reference of the booking to be inserted.

NOTE: Either the booking name or the booking reference field needs to have something displaying for the system to know which booking to insert.

Insert Parameters

  • Insert - Renumbers the existing booking service day and sequence numbers if necessary when inserting the Booking. This means that if a booking with 3-days is inserted at (e.g.) Day 4, Sequence 10, then services already in the booking on Day 4 will become Day 7.
  • Merge - Does not renumber the existing booking services – instead, the booking services are renumbered to “fit around” the existing booking services. This option may be used, for example, when the accommodation services have been added to a booking and a booking of sightseeing services is to be inserted merging the content of the new booking within the existing booked services.
  • Pax Configuration - Pre-selected room types display as per the original booking, room configurations can be amended on booking insert if required.